step 1

step 2

step 3

Thank you for your order!

Your web order confirmation number is .

Upon providing your credit card information, The American Legion will run a check of your credit card for the full balance of your order. However, your card will not be charged for any backordered items until those items are ready to be shipped to you. If at that time the credit card you provide today cannot be charged for the amount of the backordered items, we will need to receive an alternate form of payment before we can ship those items.

We'll send a confirmation when your order ships.

Credit Card Billing Address

Shipping Address
Quantity Description Cost
Subtotal: $0.00
(National, State, & Local) Estimated Tax: $0.00
() Shipping: $0.00
Grand Total: $0.00

If you need to return or exchange an item, please visit the form at

The American Legion

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