Certificate Maker is a collection of multi-format templates you can use to create professional-looking American Legion-family certificates on your home computer. Simply fill in the blanks and print!
Microsoft Word® or Adobe Reader® is required to view and edit the files on this CD. For best results, print certificates on a color printer using blank 8-1/2” x 11” white paper.
The name and emblem of The American Legion are registered service marks in the U.S. Trademark Office, and are protected by criminal and civil enforcement provisions of federal law (18 U.S.C. Section 705 and 36 U.S.C.Sections 44 and 48). By authority of National Executive Committee Resolution 11, May 2005, the National Adjutant or his designated representative (Director, American Legion Emblem Sales), may grant limited permission to use the name and emblem in accordance with Resolution Number 11, other Resolutions and U.S. Trademark Law.
The use of The American Legion name or emblem is confined to stationery, publications, notices, posters or similar correspondence items for official American Legion business only. The use of the name or emblem by an individual Legion member is limited to the wearing of the official insignia and to the possession of authorized jewelry or merchandise bearing the insignia. Departments are similarly limited. Any other use of the name "The American Legion" or the emblem shall be subject to the approval of the National Adjutant.
No post, county, district, state or other unit of The American Legion, and no officer or member thereof, has authority to grant the right to manufacture, reproduce or deal in items bearing the name and/or emblem of The American Legion.
The above restrictions apply equally to the names and emblems of the American Legion Auxiliary Sons of The American Legion., and American Legion Riders.