Patriotic Music CD

Patriotic Music CD
Item Number: 755.403
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Detailed Description

  • Selected especially for The American Legion, this CD contains 30 stirring renditions of patriotic songs & bugle calls, as performed by our country's finest: U.S. Army Band, U.S. Navy Band, U.S. Air Force Band, & U.S. Marine Band.
  • Fully orchestrated arrangements are a must have for your Post activities
  • Songs include:
    1. National Anthem
    2. The Stars & Stripes Forever
    3. The Washington Post
    4. The Thunderer
    5. This Is My Country
    6. American Pageant
    7. God Bless America
    8. American Legion Forever
    9. Comrades of the Legion
    10. The Cassions Go Rolling Along (Army)
    11. Anchors Aweigh (Navy)
    12. Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder (Air Force)
    13. The Marine Hymn (Marines)
    14. Semper Paratus (Coast Guard)
    15. Armed Forces Medley (Instrumental)
    16. Armed Forces Medley (Choral)
    17. Hail To The Chief
    18. Revelle
    19. First Call
    20. Assembly
    21. Attention
    22. Adjutant's Call
    23. Mess Call
    24. Recall
    25. Retreat
    26. Tatoo
    27. To The Colors
    28. Taps
    29. Echo Taps
    30. Taps (Orchestration)

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